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Secured sharing data in cloud using revocable storage identity based encryption
Published in Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.
Volume: 2017
Issue: Special Issue 13
Pages: 318 - 326
Cloud computing gives a flexible and helpful path for information sharing, which brings different benefits for both the general public and people. In any case, there exists a characteristic resistance for clients to straightforwardly outsource the mutual information to the cloud server since the information regularly contain profitable data. In this manner, it is important to put cryptographically improved get to control on the common information. Identity based encryption is a trustable cryptographically primitive to fabricate a common sense information sharing framework. Be that as it may, get to control is not static. That is, the point at which some client's approval is terminated, there ought to be a component that can evacuate him/her from the framework. To this end, we propose a thought called revocable-a storage Identity based encryption (RS-IBE), which can give the forward/backward security of ciphertext by presenting the functionalities of client repudiation and ciphertext refresh at the same time. Besides, we exhibit a solid development of RS-IBE, and demonstrate its security in the defined security display. The execution examinations show that the proposed RS-IBE plot has favorable circumstances as far as usefulness and efficiency, and therefore is achievable for a reasonable and financially savvy information sharing framework. At long last, we give execution consequences of the proposed plan to show its practicability. © 2017, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All right reserved.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
PublisherInstitute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.
Authors (4)