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Security and reliability using wireless sensor network for industrial automation using harmony search algorithm
Published in
Volume: 9
Issue: 20
Pages: 6675 - 6684
Now days industries are moving towards technology in order to provide fast and reliable products. Some industries like plants, structures, machinery and shop floors uses wireless sensor network. Wireless sensor networks used for communicating, sensing, monitoring and to process the abilities. Here we are going to discuss about the problem of node replacement in industries. This reliability and security will be done by using harmony search algorithms. We talk about the extraordinary aspects that recognize the industrial facility environment from the rest, expand on security and dependability issues with their particular result measures and we have design a four largescale node to test and optimize the algorithm Hybrid Binary Differential Evolution Harmony Search(HBDEHS). Various tests and fascinating exploration issues have risen up out of this study and have been accounted for further examination. © Research India Publications.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research