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Selective growth of polypyrrole on ω-pyrrolyl undecanethiol monolayer-patterned gold surface using microcontact printing technique
, K. Pandian
Published in
Volume: 85
Issue: 3
Pages: 374 - 378
Micrometre-sized conducting polypyrrole pattern was generated on gold surface using microcontact printing (μ-CP) technique. ω-pyrrolyl undecanethiol was used as ink to print on gold surface with an elastomeric stamp. The patterned gold surface was then exposed to diazomethane solution in which the monomer acted as a resist for the selective growth of polymethylene on unmodified gold surface. The pyrrole terminal monolayer-patterned surface functioned as a monolayer for the chemical polymerization of pyrrole and the resulting formation of conducting polypyrrole pattern with submicron dimensions. The structural features of the patterned surface can be determined by optical microscopy, AFM and scanning electron micrograph.
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JournalCurrent Science