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Students’ Perception of Toxic Masculinity and its Effects

Published in
Volume: 15
Issue: 9
Pages: 2819 - 2825

Background:Traditionally, in society, masculinity has always been associated with good judgment, leadership, and reliability; a soldier protecting his country from war, a man sustaining his household by working hours to feed his family, has formed the mainframe for masculine behaviour. Over time this traditional concept has been misinterpreted as being aggressive, bold, and fearless. The over-exaggeration of ‘traditionally masculine traits’ gives rise to a toxic patriarchal system causing imbalances of power and opportunities between men and women. Methods:The study is an analysis of students' perception of toxic masculinity and its effects on society. The survey was conducted among undergraduate engineering studentsin Chennai through an online questionnaire. Results and Discussion:Toxic Masculinity is a chain of behavioural traits that propel patriarchy and it has existed for years without being detected or labelled as destructive. It has been only in recent years, with the peak of feminism and the gender equality/empowerment movement, patriarchal oppression over the rest of the powerless has come to light. However, the research established that awareness about the concept of toxic masculinity has been slow and not widespread. Conclusion:Since being characterised as a significant hurdle to overcome, which could bring feminism to its actual fruition, the concept of toxic masculinity has gained consideration. There are active efforts to familiarise the idea with society and de-throttle its impact. This paper analyses the common perception among young adults on toxic masculinity. It compares opinion with facts and points out the conflicts existing within the common understanding.

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JournalJournal of Seybold Report
Open AccessNo