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Survey on mobile vulnerability issues and basic security policies
K. Roy,
Published in International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
Pages: 3823 - 3833
In last few years mobile computing field has been emerged faster than the any other field of computing. In last decade we have introduced with smart phone, touch phone and they were not only used for calling someone. The experience was more than our previous expectations. But at the same time it has become threats for us sometime. Day by day the thin line difference between a PC and mobile device is becoming invisible. Nowadays in an average a smart phone has web browsers, media player, camera, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and may other applications. Because of insufficient access control strategies and absence of data on securing cell phones it is important to consider the difficulties of provisioning and overseeing security in cellular telephone situations. From the network security view point there are four basic parameters, taken care about for a user’s security; those are Authentication, Confidentiality, Integrity and Non-repudiation. This review paper helps to understand all aspects of those four parameters and mainly focuses on the vulnerability issues of smart phone and how those can be reduced. © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
PublisherInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Technology