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Temperature-dependent magnetoresistance of magnetic tunnel junctions with ultraviolet light-assisted oxidized barriers
U. May, K. Samm, , J. Hauch, R. Calarco, U. Rüdiger, G. Güntherodt
Published in
Volume: 78
Issue: 14
Pages: 2026 - 2028
Co(10 nm)/AlOcursive chi(nominally 2 nm)/Co(2() nm) tunnel junctions have been prepared under ultrahigh vacuum conditions applying a shadow mask technique. An ultraviolet light-assisted oxidation process of the AlOcursive chi barrier has been optimized by in situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, in conjunction with temperature-dependent tunneling magnetoresistance measurements. Optimum-oxidized tunnel junctions show a magnetoresistance of 20% at 285 K, and up to 38% at 100 K. For under-oxidized samples, with a remaining Al layer between the Co bottom electrode and the AlOcursive chi barrier, the tunneling magnetoresistance decreases more rapidly with increasing temperature than observed for the over-oxidized samples. The resistance × area product of optimum-oxidized tunneling junctions exhibits a minimum, and increases for under-and over-oxidized samples. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.
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JournalApplied Physics Letters