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The influence of emotional intelligence on transformational leadership with respect to service sector
A. Poornima,
Published in Serials Publications
Volume: 97
Issue: 4
Pages: 179 - 187
This article investigates the effect of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Transformational Leadership. Data was collected from 250 respondents from different organizations in the services sector of Tirupathi, i.e. banking, Electricity board, Railways, BSNL and Insurance companies. Transformational leadership was measured through 20-item MLQ, multifactor leadership questionnaire, emotional intelligence was measured through Emotional Competency Inventory. Social skills, motivation, and empathy (emotional intelligence components) of supervisors are positively associated with transformational leadership, furthermore this study is limited by the fact that EQ components (Self-awareness ,self management ,Self regulaton) apart from social skills and motivation were not investigated in relation to supervisor transformational leadership (Panagiotis V. Polychroniou, 2015).Thus, this study addresses this gap by investigating other components of Emotional intelligence (Self-awareness, self-management and relationship management) on Transformational leadership and little is known Transformational leadership could be influenced by emotional intelligence in service sector. © Serials Publications.
About the journal
JournalMan in India
PublisherSerials Publications