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The Use of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. as Strategic Tools for Crisis Communication
Published in
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Pages: 175 - 180
A crisis is a corporate or administrative delinquent that garners public reaction and unanticipated media scrutiny which intimidates an enterprise's standing as far as its goodwill among the consumers in particular and the society at large is concerned. Crisis can be in the forms of labor unrest, ecological tumbles, conspicuous sexual harassment, natural or man-made adversities, illegal actions, fire or major safety issues, family separations, merchandise tinkering or recalls and even government led investigations. In order to overcome these predicaments, an organization's ability to frame prudently verified crisis communication strategies can not only provide aid in the up gradation of disaster management mechanisms, but may also decrease prices of cataclysm and develop pellucidity of resolutions. Nevertheless in recent years, time and again it has been detected during organizational crisis that conventional administrative practices are proving to be inadequate and backdated. Hence, presently software developers are busy building newfangled communication applications and segments that make use of diverse social media in answering to all types crisis situation in the organization. This paper thus, discusses the situations under which the crisis communications stratagems can be modified so that it reconnoiters the use of popular social media like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn in addressing today's contemporary organizational catastrophe. It proposes an outline for organizations in tackling any type of crisis situations by the widespread use of social media to conduct out-of-the-box awareness and even to catalyze action and withstand discourses and reactions amongst community establishments. The paper finally tries to provide a self-assessment tool to monitor and track progress of the implemented methodologies in the likelihood of an emergency that threatens the integrity or reputation of an organization.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Management and International Business Studies