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Total vertex irregularity strength of circular ladder windmill and bow graphs
, V. Annamma
Published in Academic Press
Volume: 101
Issue: 6
Pages: 1072 - 1078
Let G(V,E) be a simple graph. For a labeling ∂: V ∪ E → {1, 2, 3,..., k} the weight of a vertex x is defined as wt(x) = ∂(x) + Σxy∈E∂(xy) ∂ is called a vertex irregular total k-labeling if for every pair of distinct vertices x and y wt(x) ≠ wt(y). The minimum k for which the graph G has a vertex irregular total k-labeling is called the total vertex irregularity strength of G and is denoted by tvs(G). In this paper we determine the total vertex irregularity strength of circular ladder, windmill graph and uniform bow graph. © 2015 Academic Publications, Ltd.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
PublisherAcademic Press