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Wideband circularly polarized hybrid dielectric resonator antenna with bi-directional radiation characteristics for various wireless applications
, Nasimuddin, R.K. Chaudhary
Published in John Wiley and Sons Inc
Volume: 29
Issue: 9
In this article, a wideband circularly polarized (CP) dielectric resonator (DR) over an asymmetric-slot radiator based hybrid-DR antenna is proposed with bi-directional radiation characteristics. Bi-directional CP radiation of the dual sense is obtained using a rectangular-DR over asymmetric-rectangular-slot radiator with L-shaped feed line. The asymmetric-slot radiator feed by L-shaped stub with the coplanar waveguide is used for generating two orthogonal modes, namely TEx δ11 and TEy 1δ1 in the combined (rectangular-DR and asymmetric-slot radiator) hybrid-DR antenna, which is verified by the distribution of electric field inside the rectangular DRA. The measured reflection coefficient bandwidth (S11 < −10 dB) and axial ratio (AR) bandwidth (AR < 3 dB) of the hybrid-DR antenna are 80.5% (1.87-4.39 GHz) and 43.8% (1.75-2.73 GHz), respectively. The antenna radiation is in the broadside (θ = 0°, ϕ = 0°) direction as well as in the backside (θ = 180°, φ = 0°) direction with equal magnitudes in both the directions. Right-handed and left-handed CP waves are achieved respectively, in the boresight (+Z) and the backside (−Z) directions. The proposed CP hybrid-DR antenna gives an average gain of 3.55 dBic and radiation efficiency of 95.0% in both directions. The proposed antenna covers various wireless useful bands such as ISM 2400 band, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Wi-MAX (2.5-2.7 GHz). © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetInternational Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
PublisherData powered by TypesetJohn Wiley and Sons Inc