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An overview of medicinal plants for potential cardio-protective activity
H. Rajendran, S. Deepika,
Published in Research Journal of BioTechnology
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Pages: 104 - 113
Cardiovascular diseases are life-threatening leading to death. Throughout the developed countries, the increase in burden of cardiovascular disease has placed this disease as the rapid cause than the other non-communicable diseases. They also became the predominant disease in low and middle-income countries including India. Phytomedicine plays an important role in recent days to solve so many health issues. The treatments of these complications, by the way, of traditional knowledge are collectively called Traditional System of medicine. In India, Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani system of medicines are followed from the ancient days. This review mainly focuses on the potential role of some medicinal plants and their phyto-compounds in protecting the heart and reducing the risk factors of cardiovascular disease.
About the journal
JournalResearch Journal of Biotechnology
PublisherResearch Journal of BioTechnology