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Anisotropy in the magnetic properties of single crystal Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y
G. Balakrishnan, S.K. Malik, , D.McK. Paul, S. Pinol, R. Vijayaraghavan
Published in
Volume: 104-107
Issue: PART 1
Pages: 469 - 470
The magnetic properties of a single crystal of the 'electron superconductor' Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y, have been investigated for applied fields parallel and perpendicular to the basal plane (ab). The lower critical field, Hc1, the magnetic susceptibility and the high field magnetization are all found to be strongly anisotropic. The observed magnetic susceptibility is analysed based on the influence of crystal field effects on Nd3+ ion and the parameters obtained are consistent with the reported crystal field transitions observed experimentally. © 1992.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials