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Comprehension of Reliability of Internet Connectivity and clients' Inclination towards Intention to Use EFT/PoS has been Analysed by the Technology Acceptance Model on Plastic Money on Indian aspect.
Sikari N,
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Pages: 2022 - 2027
Internet access is the course toward interfacing with the web using PCs, laptops and mobiles by customers and how internet works as reliable source to transact funds from one account to another or e-transaction on online purchase through EFTPOS. It depends upon internet speed and based on that how consumers trust online transaction while purchase called reliability on internet connectivity. Plastic money is a medium of cashless transaction where credit, debit, gift and, smart (EMV) cards etc. are considered to use in every day’s life to small scale businesses. Plastic money is used in purchasing any trading items instead of using paper currency which is not always available in any situation of one’s life. India is struggling with its acceptability only by showing 33.45% enhancement according to 2016-2017 data-bases. As of June 2018, there were 3.93 crore master cards and 94.4 crore Visa cards being used in India, which joins individual and corporate cards. The estimation of master and visa card trades in the extended length of June 2018 reached more ₹46,629 crore, almost increasing from a year earlier. Platinum card trades in the period went up by 33 percent to ₹3, 15,627 crores. This project proposal is to address the reason behind such diminished acceptability in India or its relatively high increment in comparison to the previous years’ database. The project also aims the effect of the industrialization of information technology (IT) on plastic money users in India.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Regular Issue
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Open AccessNo