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Calcium is an essential but controversial nutrient: there is no consensus on the level of human calcium requirement or the significance of calcium deficiency. Apart from providing rigidity to the skeleton, an alternate metabolic form of calcium viz., ionized calcium plays a key role in the biochemical and metabolic functions. The protection of this critical concentration by parathyroid hormone and vitamin D reflects the vital role that calcium plays in the neuromuscular system in regulation of the heart, in enzyme-mediated reactions and in many other metabolic processes. The objective of this study was to examine and establish the relationship between Total Calcium, Ionized Calcium and Serum Albumin and the significance of these factors with Vitamin D. For the samples, biochemical assay using electro-chemiluminescence technique (for Vitamin D) was used; Total Calcium and Serum Albumin were analyzed using …

About the journal
JournalJournal of Experimental Sciences
Open AccessNo