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Electronic Voting System with Cloud Based High Performance Computing
Jothikumar R, , , Susi S.
Published in American Scientific Publishers
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Pages: 768 - 772
Traditional voting system has been replaced by electronic voting systems in most places increasingly. It is efficient, but not efficient enough in terms of cost and capacity. High Performance Computing (HPC) in Cloud computing is a relatively new concept which has been replacing the traditional systems. The HPC has been widely used over the recent years because of its efficiency, reliability, speed and cost. Whereas in the traditional super computing system a lot of cost is involved. The ability of integration of HPC with cloud provided enormous growth in the area of parallel processing and computing. This system may advocate to push the case of promoting electronic voting system for higher traffic scenarios with lower cost requirements. This paper proposes an idea of implementing a fully formed e-voting system integrated with both HPC and Cloud Computing. © 2019 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved
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JournalData powered by TypesetJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
PublisherData powered by TypesetAmerican Scientific Publishers
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