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Exciton plasmon coupling in hybrid semiconductor - Metal nanoparticle monolayers
, M. Haridas, J.K. Basu
Published in
Volume: 1147
Pages: 415 - 420
Hybrid semiconductor - metal nanoparticles monolayer of Cadmium Selenide and gold nanoparticles has been prepared, using Langmuir - Blodgett technique. The near field photoluminescence spectra from such monolayer films , shows red shift ̃75 meV with respect to CdSe QDs monolayer film and splitting ̃57 meV. The composite spectra are much broader ̃330 meV compared to the corresponding emission spectra of CdSe monolayer ̃ 165 meV. The possible explanation for the observed features are provided in terms of exciton - Plasmon interaction. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
About the journal
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings