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Exciton-plasmon interaction in monolayers of metal-semiconductor nanostructures
M. Haridas, , J.K. Basu
Published in
Volume: 10
Issue: 4-5
Pages: 623 - 627
Effect of shape and density on the energy transfer between metallic nanoparticles and semi conducting nanostructures was studied by observing the photoluminescence spectra using near field scanning optical microscope. The monolayers of gold nanoparticles, CdSe nanorods and composite with different number ratios were prepared using Langmuir Blodgett method. The spectra collected from the films with different number ratios of CdSe and gold shows a systematic variation of peak position and intensity as a function of number density of CdSe. The photoluminescence spectra collected from composite monolayer is blue shifted compared to the spectra from CdSe nanorods monolayer. Further we observed a blue shift in peak position and reduction emission intensity with respect to increase in the fraction of gold nanoparticles and surface density. We have provided explanation for the observed behavior in terms of strong excitonplasmon interactions in the compact hybrid monolayers. © 2011 World Scientific Publishing Company.
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JournalInternational Journal of Nanoscience