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Instabilites in ultrathin Fe-rich alloy films on Cu(1 0 0)
, S. Bhagwat, F.O. Schumann
Published in Elsevier
Volume: 272-276
Issue: SUPPL. 1
Pages: e779 - e780
We have studied the correlation of LEED reconstructions and magnetic properties of Fe-rich FexNi1-x and FexMn 1-x/Cu(100) films. From 2 to 4 ML, the films are uniformly magnetized along the surface normal. In this thickness regime the diffraction pattern is of (n × 1) symmetry with n∼5. Above 4 ML, we observe "magnetic live surface layers" and a LEED pattern of (1 × 1) or (2 × 1) symmetry. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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