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Photoconducting state and its perturbation by electrostatic fields in oxide-based two-dimensional electron gas
, J.J. Pulikkotil, S. Auluck, Z. Hossain, R.C. Budhani
Published in
Volume: 86
Issue: 7
The two-carrier transport model as proposed for the two-dimensional electron gas formed at the interfaces of oxide heterostructures is investigated by means of a combined perturbation by near-ultraviolet radiation and an electrostatic field, applied both separately and simultaneously. Comparison of the photoresponse of prototype systems such as the band insulator LaAlO 3 and Mott insulator LaTiO 3 films on TiO 2-terminated SrTiO 3 shows remarkably similarities. Two types of nonequilibrium carrier are generated in each system, each having the signature of a particular type of perturbation characterized by distinctly different relaxation processes. While the photoconducting state diminishes in a stretched exponential manner, with a temperature-dependent activation energy varying from a few tens of meV to 1 to 2 meV on lowering the temperature and a relaxation time of several hours, the recovery from electrostatic gating occurs on the millisecond time scale. An attempt is also made to explain the experimental observations using ab initio density functional calculations. The calculations show that the electronic transitions associated with near-ultraviolet radiation emerge from bands located at 2 eV above and below the Fermi energy, which are the Ti 3d states of the SrTiO 3 substrate and of the AlO 2 (TiO 2) layers of the LaAlO 3 (LaTiO 3) films, respectively. The slow decay of the photocurrent to the unperturbed state is explained in terms of the closely spaced Ti 3d xy states in the lower conduction band, which are manifested as flatbands (or localized states) in the band structure. Such localization leads to increased carrier lifetimes, through the energy-time relationship of the uncertainty principle. © 2012 American Physical Society.
About the journal
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics