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Physical properties of high performance fluoride ion conductor BaSnF 4 thin films by pulsed laser deposition
L.N. Patro, N. Ravi Chandra Raju, , K. Kamala Bharathi
Published in
Volume: 112
Issue: 3
Pages: 727 - 732
This article presents the results on the growth and characterization of BaSnF4 thin films on glass substrates prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique. The structural results of BaSnF4 thin film carried out by glancing angle X-ray diffraction technique indicates the formation of the film with similar structure (tetragonal, P4/nmm) to the bulk target material. The absorption coefficient and band gap of the film is determined by suitable analysis of the transmittance spectra. The transport properties of the thin films are studied using impedance spectroscopy in the temperature range of 323-573 K. The frequency-dependent imaginary part of impedance plot shows that the conductivity relaxation is non-Debye in nature. The scaling behavior of the imaginary part of impedance at various frequencies indicates temperature-independent relaxation behavior. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
About the journal
JournalApplied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing