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Role of charged species on the growth of GaN films by modified activated reactive evaporatione
K.P. Biju, , M.K. Jain
Published in
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Pages: H46 - H49
We report the role of charged species (N2+) on the growth of GaN films by modified activated reactive evaporation (MARE). In MARE technique, substrate is subjected to low energy nitrogen ion bombardment by keeping it in conjunction with the radio frequency cathode. The low energy ion irradiation contributes to the effective formation of GaN as well as in the drastic reduction of the oxygen impurity content by resputtering of the weakly bonded oxygen adatoms. Significant reduction in oxygen impurity can be achieved in the MARE by increasing the concentration of the charged species in the plasma. © 2010 The Electrochemical Society.
About the journal
JournalElectrochemical and Solid-State Letters