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Social media addiction, culture code and mediation effect of mindfulness: A structural equation modelling access
Anuradha, , N.A. Jan, A.K. Subramani
Published in Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
Volume: 8
Issue: 2 Special Issue 3
Pages: 1097 - 1102
This study has been initiated with a view to understand the social media addiction and its influence on culture codes a mediation effect of mindfulness. The social media addiction would be a very common problem in the social and the organizational set up. The employees are getting distracted easily because of social media addiction. The organisations are taking much action to rectify this problem but end up with the talent lose because the employees are ready to quit the job when they are not allowed to use social media in the organisation. It has been an inevitable problem for the organisations so many techniques have been initiated in order to solve this problem. Many studies are concentrating on mindfulness which is a tool to remove the distractions and to be a focused employee in the organisation. The social media addiction many a times create a toxic culture among the employees. It needs a high attention to be cured. The employee relationship are highly under stake when they are social media addict. This study would attempt to understand the empirical evidence on this relationship by examining the association among addiction in social media and its effect on culture code and mediating role of mindfulness. This study also concentrates on the moderating role of gender on the proposed model. © BEIESP.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication