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Structural and magnetic properties of Fe-rich FexMn 1-x ultrathin alloy films on Cu(1 1 1 7)
S. Bhagwat, , F.O. Schumann
Published in
Volume: 290-291 PART 1
Pages: 213 - 215
Fe/Cu(1 0 0) films have been extensively studied and complex structural and magnetic properties have been found. Prominent among the properties is the change in the low electron energy diffraction (LEED) pattern at ∼4 ML from (5×1) to (2×1) correlated with the ferromagnetism localized in the first 2 monolayers. Below this thickness the films are uniformly magnetized. Fe-rich FexMn1-x ultrathin films on Cu(1 0 0) show structural and magnetic properties similar to Fe/Cu(1 0 0). We have studied the structural and magnetic properties of FexMn1- x ultrathin films grown on Cu(1 1 1 7). We have seen that the alloy films are uniformly magnetized over an extended thickness regime. LEED experiments of alloy films on Cu(1 1 1 7) films have shown a (5×1) pattern up to a thickness of ∼5 ML which supports our magnetic measurements. Again we observed a correlations of magnetic and structural properties. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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JournalJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials