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Study on isotropic Heisenberg interaction for the realization of SWAP ±α gates
R. Muthuganesan, , R. Sankaranarayanan
Published in AIP Publishing LLC
Volume: 1665
It is known that nonlocal two-qubit gates are geometrically represented by tetrahedron called as Weyl chamber. Two edges of the Weyl chamber are formed by SWAP ±α family gates with 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. In this work SWAP ±α are being realized as two spin system with isotropic Heisenberg exchange interaction. The real parameter α is shown to be the function of duration and strength of interaction. Entanglement of the states generated by these two families of gates is studied with concurrence. Significance of time scale in realizing CNOT using SWAP ±1/2 is highlighted. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.
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