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Understanding hydrothermal transformation from Mn2O3 particles to Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2O nanosheets, nanobelts, and single crystalline ultra-long Na4Mn9O18 nanowires
Y. Park, S. Woo Lee, K.H. Kim, B.-K. Min, , D. Pradhan, Y. Sohn
Published in Nature Publishing Group
Volume: 5
Manganese oxides are one of the most valuable materials for batteries, fuel cells and catalysis. Herein, we report the change in morphology and phase of as-synthesized Mn2O3 by inserting Na+ ions. In particular, Mn2O3 nanoparticles were first transformed to 2 nm thin Na0.55Mn2O4 ·1.5H2O nanosheets and nanobelts via hydrothermal exfoliation and Na cation intercalation, and finally to sub-mm ultra-long single crystalline Na4Mn9O18nanowires. This paper reports the morphology and phase-dependent magnetic and catalytic (CO oxidation) properties of the as-synthesized nanostructured Na intercalated Mn-based materials.
About the journal
JournalScientific Reports
PublisherNature Publishing Group